Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to Hide the Facebook Ticker

I was searching for a way to at least hide what I do so that it doesn't show up in my friends tickers with no such luck. I did find a way to hide the ticker using the Mozilla or Chrome browser at least. Hopefully everyone will use this. I'm sure the stalkers love it just the way it is though. SMH. Facebook, you were already a "Place For Stalkers" now you're making it even easier for those crazies. Sigh. Well, hope this helps some of you non-stalkerish people! Thanks CNET! xo

How to Hide the Facebook Ticker via CNET How To

1 comment:

  1. So interesting, I'm gonna try it! Thanks for sharing! Come back soon to visit my blog, I'll be waiting for you!!

    Cosa mi metto???
